Thursday, June 26, 2008


the girl, originally uploaded by Ufung.

When is your last time to ask "W"question ?

用心学习 好奇心应该是不停增长的
当你懂得越多 想得太多 变复杂
keep learning with sincer curiosity should keep growing
when you are knowing more it could be complicated

不一定要有答案 至少你好奇
not neccesary to have an answer for everything
at least to be curious

日新月异 就等你来追
就算原地搜索 你或许都还来不及
earth keep spinning and it grow when times goes by
not to say to learn about new tech
even there is too much for you to discover at your present

生命这么多 时间你说少就少
就看你 还等什么?
life is still way to go
if you think that it's not much time left then it's
depends on you

So what are you waiting for? :)


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