Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Covent Garden 08feb08

Covent Garden 08feb08, originally uploaded by Ufung.

最近常突然 想哭
不是因为 遇上不开心的事
而是 太庆幸今天周围所发生的事
遇着的人 身边对我不离不弃的人

Time to time I feel like to cry
It's not because of something bad been happened
It’s just feeling glad of being today
New friend that I met and my friend who always there giving me support and care.

每一天 都觉得活着就因为被关爱着

Being a live and being loved and cares

所以 他们会让我难过一些些 我都用了心去体会
Bad thing happened but I've gain a good deal of enlightenment
Even it will brought me some blues and tears
But I've tasted it with my heart

So am I learned thru it.

不明白的东西 还向开始有点明白
不过 不明白的一直都接丛而来
Something that I don't understand it seems start to having some answer
But, things that I don't know, it's always there to come.

那就是人生, 我的人生
That's life, that’s my life.

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